Using citrus bark grown in the warm climate, sea breezes, and nature-rich environment in Wakayama, these essential oils are made with the same process that is used for making liquors.
One ingredient is the peel of fruit used at Ito-Noen Co., Ltd. in Arida City, Wakayama Prefecture, for juice production. The peel is squeezed to extract an essence oil-rich liquid by our proprietary manufacturing method. This method draws on the steam distillation techniques that have been developed since 1949 through our shochu manufacturing.
All of the flavors are characterized by sharp and refreshing tastes that are pleasantly stimulating, showcasing some of the best produce of Wakayama. Their genuinely Japanese aromas are soothing and refresh your mind.
- (Yuzu)
Characterized by the freshness of a fruit being squeezed, with a peaceful and intriguingly nostalgic fragrance that warms up your heart.
- (Unshu mikan)
Characterized by a bitter-sweet fragrance that reminds you of the juiciness of a fruit being peeled.
- (Lemon)
Characterized by a sharp, refreshing, and pleasantly stimulating fragrance that refreshes your mind.
- (Amanatsu)
Characterized by sophisticated sweetness, and the balancing freshness of a “clear” fragrance that goes through your nostrils.
- (Sanpokan)
Characterized by a mellow fragrance with a well-balanced combination of classy tartness, and richly-fragrant sweetness that gently hits.
- (Buttekan) limited-number offer
Characterized by a fascinating fragrance that is exotically spicy, while keeping the citrusy freshness and the distinctive bitterness of this fruit.