Please be careful of fake websites.
We have recently identified the presence of malicious fake websites and scam emails that falsely display our company name, and manipulate information regarding the seller or site operator for fake activities. The sender of the email claims to be “Nakano BC Co., Ltd.,” and mentions “Nakano BC Co., Ltd.” in the content.
While the fake site claims to sell car parts, our company only deals in Japanese sake, plum wine, and health products, and we do not handle car parts.
There is a risk of personal information such as your ID, password, and credit card details being illicitly obtained and misused.
We kindly request our customers to refrain from using the mentioned website and to be careful about making any payments.
If you happen to fall victim to such fraud, please gather information about your purchase, prepare payment proof (if applicable), and seek assistance from your local police station’s cybercrime consultation desk or your prefecture’s consumer center.
Please note that our company cannot assume any responsibility for disputes between scam websites and customers.